Weekend Recap 12.18.22

Weekend Recap 12.18.22

Here’s a couple observations from today.


We’re still working on this. Let’s be in places with cameras and equipment on sending signal at 10 til service. One thing we’re still seeing is our team mates grabbing their equipment form the control room at the 10 til mark. Let’s work on this!

Opener of Verses and Choruses

The first shot of every verse, chorus, and bridge NEED to be of the worship leader singing the song. What we are wanting is our viewers to have a connection point with our worship leaders. We also want to eliminate shots where it appears that nothing is happening.

At :22 and 1:00 in this cut, we switched off of the main worship leaders. These are the time where we want to switch to the worship leaders, THEN start cutting around.

New Mobile Camera Zones

Take a peek at the zones for our mobile cameras. There are two different configs for 4 mobile camera setup

Updated Zones For Mobile Cameras

Updated Zones For Mobile Cameras

Take a peek at the zones for our mobile cameras. There are two different configs for 4 mobile camera setup

Weekend Recap 11.27.22

Weekend Recap 11.27.22

Camera Cuts/shots

Pacing of cuts this week was great. Cam team did a great job on shots this week.


Just a reminder to everyone that call time is 730a. Let’s get back into a habit of being “on time”.

Video director and CG Ops

Just a heads up to Video Directors and CG Ops. Let’s be sure we are referencing the startup guides when you first run get in. Give yourself enough time to get sorted so that we can have the run sheet meeting closer to call time.

Weekend Recap 11.20.22

Weekend Recap 11.20.22

Here’s a couple things that came up from James in the team debrief. Let’s keep an eye out for these as we approach the weekend.

  • Pacing of video cuts should be between 4-6 seconds

  • Watch for camera roll

Weekend Recap 11.13.22

Weekend Recap 11.13.22

I was not at the Vacaville campus this week, but it looked like we had some powerful services. The footage looked great this weekend. Pacing was great, shots were great, lighting was great. There was some awesome creativity and movement in the shots this weekend.


This weekend we had great pacing on the directors cut. One thing to look out for is the order of how we’re cutting into the songs. Ideally, we want to START verses and choruses on the worship leaders. We are light years better than we used to be on this, but this is a small area that we can tighten up to make our cuts that much more intentional and polished.

Desired cuts
:05 Johny Intro
:13 Cut to drums/instruments
:18 Cut back to main worship Leader as verse starts
:23 Cut

Live Cut
Johny Intro
:19 Cut to drums as WL starts verse
:22 Guitars
:26 Johnny


We’re still being challenged with our “roll” or “level” in shots. We need to keep an eye out for how we’re framing in our movement.

Also, Video Directors/Producers/Cam Ops, we need to be aware of the iris balance between the cameras. See the below shot of of Cam 5 iris level in comparison to the rest of the mobiles, especially looking at the LED screen.

Weekend Recap 11.06.22

Weekend Recap 11.06.22

As always great job to the team. This weekend James was mentioning just how impressed and thankful he is to our team to pull off an excellent production week in and week out despite being in a little town called Vacaville. We do think our team is awesome and love what we get to do.


I’ve noticed for quite a few weeks, we’ve been mentioning the “roll” or “level” of the mobile cameras. One area of improvement from all of our mobile operators is keep an eye out for how level the shot is in frame. Here are a couple of examples.


In this clip (and the next) there is great framing back to back, BUT, we just need to look out for the roll/level of the camera. An easy way to to do this is to look at the LED strips on stage and try to keep those vertical in the view finder.


I’d like to see MORE of these kind of shots during transition or exhorts. Good position from the mobile op, and good awareness on the VD to take this shot.

In this clip there are two things to keep an eye out for.

MOBILES: Watch out for the roll and framing. Try not to be in a position where the speakers body will be blocked by someone’s head.
VD: Be alert and cut off the shot quickly when there is a head or a hand covering the majority of the speaker


Great movement here from this op, love the movement from the drums to the frontline. If you have not added movements like this to your kit, try practicing this the next time you are on the team.


Team Night June 2019

Team Night June 2019


Team Nights

As we are starting up Team Nights again, we just want to remind everyone that these are a mandatory part of the production team. We will be doing these quarterly

2019 Team Nights
Sept 10th
: Team Night in the Discover Room (VV)
Dec 3rd: Production Christmas Party in the Discover Room (VV)

2019 Team Nights
Jan 7th:
Team Night in the Discover Room (VV)

Section Meetings
We will start implementing section meetings to focus more on training and development.
….more info to follow regarding section meetings.


We have been having difficulty with team members being late on the weekends. Please make sure you are on time. If Call Time is at 330 (for video), we would like to going through the production team promptly at 330. So be 5-10 minutes early, account for time walking from parking lot or entering into the building or the Starbucks line.


We are 22 years old going on 23 years.  God is doing great things at our church. We have seen consistent growth as well as campuses launched in the last few years and it does not look like we will be slowing down. In the last 18 months we have launched 2 churches and 1 campus. In the next 18 months we will be launching two brand new campuses for East Bay and Napa, as well as TFH Oakland 2020 and Midtown Sac 2021.

With expansion in mind we want to shift from being a ministry that does training, to a development ministry mentality. We want to develop ourselves personally, and also invest in others to develop their potential. This is going to help us be more fulfilled as a team.

1. Fulfillment happens when we do what we do in our instruments and in our craft.
2. Fulfilling to take 2-3 people with us.


Taking personal responsibility for creating a culture where

WE are lovers of Jesus before the craft.

WE take responsibility for our growth in our technical & creative gifts.

WE are diligent stewards of the resource entrusted to our hands.

WE value and guard the unity within our team.

WE look out for each other, understanding we are not just team but family.

WE know our team on the platform by name and pre-empt their needs.

WE seek to understand the atmosphere where we serve.

WE are always prepared by knowing what’s required of us in our roles.

WE know how to respond under pressure.

WE are big picture focussed and able to think beyond our roles.

WE are committed to excellence, outworked through an excellent spirit.

WE are always looking for ways we “can” rather than reasons we “can’t”.

WE understand communication is more than just speaking and listening, but the spirit with which we do both.

WE are not bystanders when we see a problem, but are part of creating a solution.

WE understand we are not just here to serve, but to receive everything God would have for us.

LA1 Sermon Video Exports

LA1 Sermon Video Exports

The new process for sermon backup videos will be to export the files directly from the LA1 decoders at each campus.  Here is the process to export the video from LA1.  Every weekend, each campus will need to reformat the flash drive provided to make room for the next sermon video.  See below for instructions on reformatting.

Exporting from LA1 Decoder

Insert flash drive into USB slot on the front of the LA1 decoder.

Go to the events tab.  Highlight the event you would like to export, and press 'Select Event'

Don't clear the cache 

Select 'Export', this will open a window.  On export window, select start and end times.  In TFH's case it will be M&G and Campus Dismissal. 


Double click on the Samsung USB drive until you see (parent folder) then click 'export'.

A window will popup showing your export progress.

Once the video has been exported to the flash drive, insert the flash drive into the Mac, drop in this weekends folder (ie: ~TFH Media/Weekend Services/April/1-2)

From this weekends folder, drop into ProPresenter

Reformatting the flash drive

You'll use disk utility to reformat the flash before exporting every weekend.

Open disk utility, the easiest way to get to disk utility is using spotlight (command + space keyboard shortcut) or click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand of the screen. Type in 'disk utility, highlight the app, and hit enter.

In the disk utility window, select the 'Samsung USB' as highlighted in the picture.  Then click the erase button.  Keep 'Samsung USB' as the name.  Format as (EXFAT) and hit erase.

Once the reformatting is complete, you are able to insert into LA1 decoder.

PCO: Personal schedule

PCO: Personal schedule

At the turn of the quarter, TFH Production staff will email out an excel spreadsheet of the entire quarterly schedule.  However, due to one reason or another, the schedule may change.  The most updated version of the schedule will ALWAYS be planning center.  Please stay up to date on individual schedules.

To view your schedule, log into Planning Center Online.

Once you login, the landing page to PCO will have an area titled "my schedule". This shows the upcoming dates team mates are scheduled for.  This will show in both browser and app version of PCO.


This information is also located in your PCO profile.

  1. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click on profile
  3. under the dates portion, click the dropdown menu, and click upcoming

This will display your "upcoming plans" or dates you're scheduled to serve.

On the app;

  1. Swipe the app to the right to show the menu.  This will display upcoming plans.
  2. -OR- click on your name
  3. Click Schedule

PCO allows you to subscribe to schedules and add them to calendars on your phone or gmail.

From your PCO phone app, open the side menu
Click "link to cal"
Give PCO access to the calendar
Make sure calendar is shown.


08-06-2016:  New Doc

PCO: Team Contact Info

PCO: Team Contact Info

Recently we've had a few questions of how to get team contact info, the answer is Planning Center.

Web Browser

1.  Log into Planning Center Online (PCO)

2. Click the "people' tab at the top of the screen

The 'people' page brings up a master list of anyone who serves at TFH.  You can type a name directly or choose positions.

3.  Sort by position is by far the easiest way to find a team member by position.  Scroll down the page until you see "production" on the left side of the page.  Simply click the position to filter those team members.

The page will sort all people by position, and will indicate in yellow at the top of the screen

Phone App

1.  Open up the side menu, and click on the "People" tab.

2.  Click the filter button to find categories.

3. Select the category 'Production' then positions and hit done.  The list of team members tagged with that position will be listed.