At the turn of the quarter, TFH Production staff will email out an excel spreadsheet of the entire quarterly schedule.  However, due to one reason or another, the schedule may change.  The most updated version of the schedule will ALWAYS be planning center.  Please stay up to date on individual schedules.

To view your schedule, log into Planning Center Online.

Once you login, the landing page to PCO will have an area titled "my schedule". This shows the upcoming dates team mates are scheduled for.  This will show in both browser and app version of PCO.


This information is also located in your PCO profile.

  1. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click on profile
  3. under the dates portion, click the dropdown menu, and click upcoming

This will display your "upcoming plans" or dates you're scheduled to serve.

On the app;

  1. Swipe the app to the right to show the menu.  This will display upcoming plans.
  2. -OR- click on your name
  3. Click Schedule

PCO allows you to subscribe to schedules and add them to calendars on your phone or gmail.

From your PCO phone app, open the side menu
Click "link to cal"
Give PCO access to the calendar
Make sure calendar is shown.


08-06-2016:  New Doc