Here’s a couple observations from today.


We’re still working on this. Let’s be in places with cameras and equipment on sending signal at 10 til service. One thing we’re still seeing is our team mates grabbing their equipment form the control room at the 10 til mark. Let’s work on this!

Opener of Verses and Choruses

The first shot of every verse, chorus, and bridge NEED to be of the worship leader singing the song. What we are wanting is our viewers to have a connection point with our worship leaders. We also want to eliminate shots where it appears that nothing is happening.

At :22 and 1:00 in this cut, we switched off of the main worship leaders. These are the time where we want to switch to the worship leaders, THEN start cutting around.

New Mobile Camera Zones

Take a peek at the zones for our mobile cameras. There are two different configs for 4 mobile camera setup