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RED Digital Cinema Integration

RED Digital Cinema Integration

On the weekend of 4/13-14 TFH production team made an exciting transition to using the Komodo-X from RED Digital Cinema , We’ve been talking about this upgrade for a LONG time and couldn’t wait to finally have full integration from Switcher to the new REDs.

With the new cameras we’ve noticed a significant increase in the quality of the images as well as the overall directors cut. The colors, depth of field, clarity, and dynamic range are all outstanding. And now with being all the same camera sensor and lens family, everything matches.

We’re thrilled with this upgrade and extremely pleased with how seamlessly our team mastered the execution of these advanced cameras in such a short time.

Below are some images that' we’ve clipped side by side to show “where we were” to “where we are now”.


Here’s a couple shots of the team doing slaying it on the weekend.

PCO: Personal schedule

PCO: Personal schedule

At the turn of the quarter, TFH Production staff will email out an excel spreadsheet of the entire quarterly schedule.  However, due to one reason or another, the schedule may change.  The most updated version of the schedule will ALWAYS be planning center.  Please stay up to date on individual schedules.

To view your schedule, log into Planning Center Online.

Once you login, the landing page to PCO will have an area titled "my schedule". This shows the upcoming dates team mates are scheduled for.  This will show in both browser and app version of PCO.


This information is also located in your PCO profile.

  1. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner.
  2. Click on profile
  3. under the dates portion, click the dropdown menu, and click upcoming

This will display your "upcoming plans" or dates you're scheduled to serve.

On the app;

  1. Swipe the app to the right to show the menu.  This will display upcoming plans.
  2. -OR- click on your name
  3. Click Schedule

PCO allows you to subscribe to schedules and add them to calendars on your phone or gmail.

From your PCO phone app, open the side menu
Click "link to cal"
Give PCO access to the calendar
Make sure calendar is shown.


08-06-2016:  New Doc

PCO: Team Contact Info

PCO: Team Contact Info

Recently we've had a few questions of how to get team contact info, the answer is Planning Center.

Web Browser

1.  Log into Planning Center Online (PCO)

2. Click the "people' tab at the top of the screen

The 'people' page brings up a master list of anyone who serves at TFH.  You can type a name directly or choose positions.

3.  Sort by position is by far the easiest way to find a team member by position.  Scroll down the page until you see "production" on the left side of the page.  Simply click the position to filter those team members.

The page will sort all people by position, and will indicate in yellow at the top of the screen

Phone App

1.  Open up the side menu, and click on the "People" tab.

2.  Click the filter button to find categories.

3. Select the category 'Production' then positions and hit done.  The list of team members tagged with that position will be listed.