Starting A New Stream Session
Use Finder to navigate to “Streaming Folder”
Open Finder window, in side bar select streaming, then event. (i.e. Weekend, Worship Lunch, etc)Create new session folder
Make new folder with today’s date in event streaming folder (ex ~/Streaming/Weekend)Copy Protools Session
Copy ProTools session from previous event and paste into a new folder titled with current weekend date (ex 2022-10-30).Open Session
Open the newly created session (ex. 2022-10-30).Select all clips from last session
Click on clips list and hit [shift+command+A]
This will select all clips from previous week.Remove Clips
Press [shift+command+B], a prompt will ask if you would to remove, move to trash or delete. To remove hold option and click remove.NOTE: SELECT REMOVE TRACKS AND NOT MOVE TO TRASH. Move to trash will delete clips from the previous weekend session.
During the sound check process, our objectives are as follows:
Verify Input Gain: Assess and adjust the input gain on the preamps to ensure optimal signal levels. This is crucial as it affects the compressor's response on both individual channels and buses, ultimately influencing the overall mix.
Evaluate Source Adjustments: Listen carefully to determine if any adjustments are required at the source, including guitars, bass, or microphone placement for drums. Communicate these issues to a staff member via the comms system for resolution, or, if you have a good rapport with the musician, address the adjustments directly with them.
Reassess and Adjust EQ: After making adjustments at the source, re-evaluate the sound and apply any necessary EQ adjustments to achieve the desired audio quality.
Note: Prioritize listening before making any changes.
Below is a detailed breakdown of our input gain structure
Kick In: 4db
Snare Up: 4db
Snare Down: 6db
Rack: 4db
Floor: 4db
Hi Hat: 4db
Overhead L: 4db
Overhead R: 4db
*Kick replacement and snare replacement will follow the gain of Kick In and Snare Up
Bass Di: 10db
Bass Cab: 10db
Electric Guitars: 11db
Acoustics: 11db
Keys: 11db
Note: Remember that music is inherently dynamic and achieving absolute perfection is often impractical. Aim to set levels as optimally as possible while acknowledging that continuous adjustments may be necessary due to the variable nature of audio signals. The goal is to ensure that each component is balanced effectively within the mix, allowing for a cohesive and high-quality sound output.
Pre Edit:
Find Out Which Service To Upload
Robert Sullivan, Michael Espinosa, or James Cooper will coordinate the pastors on which video will be uploaded.Sermon Video
Use Studio Embed Dirty flash drive from the KiPro from the control room, these are numbered 5/6.Make new folder for sermon video
Make new folder in ~Movies/YearVideo Transfer
Copy todays service video from flash drive to the new folder from above.
Open Davichi
Import correct weekend service
Select Change Frame RateSelect Edit Tab
Trim In and Out Points
Create fades on In and Out Points
Press D for Fade in. Press G for Fade outDeliver and Render Video
See below for Render Settings
Open exported video in quicktime
Export As > Audio Only
Save into this weekends folder (~/Movies/Year)
"Series Title PT# - Month.Date.Year" (ex: Advent PT1 - 12.8.22)Normalize Audio
Open Pro Tools
Open Weekend Message Edits session
Drop audio into the session.Normalize audio. Option+drag intro/outro from previous sermon.
Place and fade out/in for intro/outro respectively.
Shorten extra "empty" audio at end of sermon (if it's there).
Bounce to disk (cmd+opt+B) - mp3, interleaved,16 bit, 44.1kHz. Name file: Series Title PT# - Month.Date.Year (ex: Advent PT1 - 12.8.22)
Open YouTube (make sure you are logged into TFH account)
Hit "Create" (top right) then “Upload Video”
Title: Series Title PTx - “Sermon title” - Dave Patterson - x.x.xx (*be sure to add quotation marks around sermon title)
Add a thumbnail if Graphics sends it before edit.
Playlists - Add to "TFH Latest Messages" and to current sermon series (if part of one).
Not made for kids.
No, don't restrict my videos to over 18.
Add date recorded.
Add location. 4800 Horse Creek Dr - type in “The Father’s House” to bring up the address.
Visibility tab - Schedule post for 4pm.
Add series sermon graphics. (if not part of the series use TFH Generic Podcast graphic) Copy info format from previous message.
Right click, show in Finder. Open Transmit, open Audio Sermons, open folder corresponding to current series, drag into Transmit, once uploaded rename file and take out all spaces in sermon title (make sure no other weird symbols).
Open Typepad, TFH Sermons, Compose... Copy format from previous post.
Schedule for the current Sunday at 4pm.
Take YouTube ID and add it to TFH Video Admin post (bookmark bar) "Most Recent Entry" under "YouTube ID".