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banner-atem@2x (2).jpg

PA Intro

Production Assistant


PA Intro

Production Assistant

The Father's House is a Church that is ONE church in THREE locations.  The Vacaville Campus is the HUB for broadcast at TFH, from the main campus the preaching of the word is streamed to Napa, East Bay, and the CMF campus.

The role of the Vacaville Production Assistant is to:

  • Use Planning Center Live to keep an accurate time of services in Vacaville.
  • Set "cues" on streaming server for TFH's off site campuses.
  • Communicate with Production Teams at other campuses via chat app, (groupme)
  • Record on recording devices (Hyperdeck and Media Express Program)
  • Drop review files on TFH Production server


Living As One Streaming Server


Living As One Streaming Server


Preservice setup

Turn on monitor

Verify server is on.

Turn Display "ON"

Select "event" from "EVENT" Tab
This will be done after 500 Saturdays and 800 on Sundays.

Set server to "cue" tab

Service Protocol

Keep an Eye On Stream
We should be monitoring stream for on the decoder to make sure it's downloading data consistently.  We want to identify problems before they happen.

Set "In Point" cue for other campuses
Start cue for streaming is the beginning of the "Meet and Greet" when the band starts to jam.  The streaming decoder will follow what's happening live by roughly 90 seconds, so 90 seconds AFTER "M&G" happens live, we will have a visual on the decoder.


Blackmagic Media Express h.264

Blackmagic Media Express h.264

Every service TFH Production uses a Blackmagic Design h.264 recorder and uploads review files for pastors.  We use Blackmagic Design Media Express to do the actual recording of the video files.

Open Blackmagic Media Express

Open "Log and Capture" Tab
Once "Log and Capture Tab is open, a preview of "Program" video will appear in the video window as well as audio meter indicating signal.

Record with "Capture"
To record video, hit "Capture" at the bottom of the window.  The "capture" button will appear depressed and the program should have an animation indicating recording.
-Start recording on device when announcement videos start
-Stop recording at end of altar call

Rename Files
When services are over, rename files according to service date and time (ie. 12.17.16 600, 12.18.16 900, 12.18.16 1100), follow naming process for previous files.

Drop Files
Once services are recorded we'll need to drop the files on the TFH Production Server
-On Production Mac Mini, open "Finder" and select "TFH Production".
-Drop Service files into "Sermon Review"

Planning Center Live


Planning Center Live


Production teams currently use PCO for the run sheet and scheduling, PCO Live takes services to another level by navigating the run sheet to give teams an accurate time of how long each event item of a service runs, as well as overall service time, and actual time event items happen.

Planning Center Online (PCO) Live is a tool used to track timing of services.  Vacaville campus will use PCO Live to show N/EB what part of service they are currently in.  

Log into Planning Center Online

From the main window, go to weekend services.

Select the service date for this weekend


Click the "Live" button.

PCO Live will open.

After PCO Live is open, you are able to view the service.  Before you can use start or next, "take control" needs to be selected.

Prod Assistant Timeline


Prod Assistant Timeline


Below is a timeline of how to start services.

BMD Hyperdeck:
Verify all drives are in the Blackmagic Hyperdeck Studios
GroupMe: Log into GroupMe with account on either Mac or Cell Phone.  Identify yourself as the Production Assistant so that other campuses know who they'll be communication with.
Streaming Decoder: Turn on monitor for streaming decoder, open "Multisite Player" app, and login.
Media Express:  On Mac Mini, open "Media Express" app, navigate to "Capture" tab.  
PCO Live: On Mac mini, open Planning Center Online, find and open the specific weekend service, open PCO Live, by clicking the "live" button.  Click "take control.

Streaming Decoder:
 Select event, start playback, navigate to "cues" tab.  Pre-type "new cue description" (ie. 600 M&G for 6om Meet and Greet).  This helps to prepare for later.

555/855/1055 at the start of Pre-Service Videos
BMD Hyperdeck: Start recording on Blackmagic Hyperdeck.
MacMini: start recording in "Media Express" app.

2m Countdown/Service Start
PCO Live: Once services begin, start advancing through PCO Live with each cue.

Meet and Greet
 Communicate specific time M&G began in "TFH Streaming" Channel (ie. M&G Start Time 6:32:45).  Must include "seconds" in time to give other campus a very accurate time.

Setting M&G Cue
Decoder: Wait for M&G to catch up on decoder.  Once M&G starts, add cue immediately.
Decoder will run 70-90 seconds delayed. Use headphones to hear audio from decoder.
Groupme:  Once cue has been added, let campuses know in "TFH Streaming" channel on Groupme a simple message that says "cue added"

Band on Stage
Groupme: Once band is on stage, let other campuses know that Vacaville is wrapping up.  Simple "Band on stage" sentence.

Campus Dismissal
Groupme: Once the campuses are dismissed, let the campuses know we have dismissed.  Simple "Campus dismissed" sentence

End of Services
All Services:  Stop Recording al Blackmagic Hyperdecks and Media Express
600:  At the end of service stop the decoder
900:  Let decoder play through both services
1100:  Stop decoders