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LA1 Sermon Video Exports

LA1 Sermon Video Exports

The new process for sermon backup videos will be to export the files directly from the LA1 decoders at each campus.  Here is the process to export the video from LA1.  Every weekend, each campus will need to reformat the flash drive provided to make room for the next sermon video.  See below for instructions on reformatting.

Exporting from LA1 Decoder

Insert flash drive into USB slot on the front of the LA1 decoder.

Go to the events tab.  Highlight the event you would like to export, and press 'Select Event'

Don't clear the cache 

Select 'Export', this will open a window.  On export window, select start and end times.  In TFH's case it will be M&G and Campus Dismissal. 


Double click on the Samsung USB drive until you see (parent folder) then click 'export'.

A window will popup showing your export progress.

Once the video has been exported to the flash drive, insert the flash drive into the Mac, drop in this weekends folder (ie: ~TFH Media/Weekend Services/April/1-2)

From this weekends folder, drop into ProPresenter

Reformatting the flash drive

You'll use disk utility to reformat the flash before exporting every weekend.

Open disk utility, the easiest way to get to disk utility is using spotlight (command + space keyboard shortcut) or click on the magnifying glass in the upper right hand of the screen. Type in 'disk utility, highlight the app, and hit enter.

In the disk utility window, select the 'Samsung USB' as highlighted in the picture.  Then click the erase button.  Keep 'Samsung USB' as the name.  Format as (EXFAT) and hit erase.

Once the reformatting is complete, you are able to insert into LA1 decoder.